How to configure Foundation (Android)
The Foundation layer need to be configured with minimal setup to use the Huma SDK. It is the base layer of the Huma SDK and is required to be configured before using any other layer of the SDK.
To configure it you need to prepare your project based on this [page](../Getting Started/Android).
context.installHumaSdk {
foundation {
network { // (Required) Network configuration
// (false by default) Enable or disable SSL security
sslSecurityEnabled = true / false
// List of network error handlers that will be used to respond on network errors
networkErrorHandlers = listOf()
// (Optional) Used to define the offline mode availability
offlineModeStateProvider = OfflineModeStateProvider()
// List of interceptors that will be used to intercept network requests (OKHttp interceptors)
interceptors = listOf()
// List of network interceptors that will be used to intercept network requests (OKHttp network interceptors)
networkInterceptors = listOf()
// (Required) Map of environment configurations used for network requests
environments = mapOf<String, EnvConfigData>()
router { // (Required) Router configuration
// Define the start activity class to open on push actions and navigation
startActivityClass =
// (Optional) Define the splash activity class to open on push actions and navigation
splashActivityClass =
// (Optional) Define the crash handling mode, use None if you want to handle crashes by yourself
crashHandling = CrashHandling.Debug
analytics { // (Optional) Analytics configuration
// (Optional) Define the tracker to be used for analytics events
tracker = Analytics.Tracker
// (Optional) Define the error monitor to be used for error monitoring
errorMonitor = ErrorMonitorWrapper.ErrorMonitor
// Segment configuration with implementation("com.huma.sdk:plugin-segment:+")
writeKey = "...",
// Sentry configuration with implementation("com.huma.sdk:plugin-sentry:+")
context = context,
env = "...",
dsn = "...",
release = "...",
security { // (Optional) Security configuration
// (true by default) Enable or disable screen capture in Huma user flows
screenCaptureEnabled = true / false
// (false by default) Enable or disable tapJacking protection in Huma user flows
tapJackingProtectionToBeAppliedOnWholeApp = true / false
// (false by default) Enable or disable tapJacking feature in Huma user flows
tapJackingFeatureEnabled = true / false
notification { // (Optional) Notification configuration
// List of notification handlers that will be used to handle notifications from Huma Platform. Use only if you have custom notification from Huma Platform
handlers = listOf()
helper { // (Optional) Helper configuration
// List of sealed classes that will be used to serialize and deserialize data. Use only if you are having custom sealed classes in api response from Huma Platform
sealedClassesToSerialize = listOf()
// (Optional) Used to override default offline mode availability provider
offlineModeStateProvider = OfflineModeStateProvider()
JSON Configuration
By using Huma Gradle Plugin, you can also configure the environments using JSON configuration. To do that, add the Gradle Plugin to your project and paste the huma-sdk-config.json to app or flavour folder
Only this that is required to be configured is the environments
in the network
configuration and
main activity class in the router
Next move to SDK layer configuration here. But this step is optional as Appkit is also exposing most of the SDK functionalities. But it's good tho know how to configure it.
Or you can move to AppKit layer configuration here.